Help us “Give Canton the Bird” this Thanksgiving


“Because we love Canton, we can’t ignore the fact that our city is full of hurting families who are going through hard times. Our desire at Action Church is to do whatever we can to bring hope and love to those families… strings attached. This Thanksgiving, we want every family in Canton to be able to sit at their kitchen table, enjoy a warm Thanksgiving meal, and realize no matter how bad things may seem at the moment that there is hope.”
– Gary Lamb, Lead Pastor of Action Church
This Thanksgiving we need your help feeding the hurting and the hungry in Canton, Ga. We want to provide 100 Thanksgiving meals for families in our area who due to different circumstances might not have one.

The best way to do this is for people like you to commit to purchasing the needed items to provide one full meal. To keep it easy, we have put a supply list below. If you will purchase the meal, we will make sure it gets to a family in need.

All complete meals must be delivered to us by Sunday, November 23rd. You can drop off complete meals to Action Church or Second Chance Store any time between today and November 23rd.

Through the generous donations of those in our community, Action Church will supply all the turkeys for each meal. Below you will find the items needed to provide a complete Thanksgiving meal to a family in need:

2 boxes of Cornbread mix
1 box Mac-n-Cheese
1 can of cranberry sauce
1 box of stuffing
1 can of green beans
1 can of corn
1 box/package of Instant mashed potatoes
1 packet or can of gravy
1 can of Yams
1 unfrozen dessert item

Please bring all items listed above to Action Church or Second Chance Store by Sunday 11-23-14.
If you are in need of a Thanksgiving meal, it would be our honor to provide that for you this Thanksgiving. Simply email us at and we will see that you are provided with a complete meal you can cook for your family on Thanksgiving day.
Action Church is a church of messed up, flawed people who believe talk is cheap. Action Church was started with the purpose of putting our faith into action by loving our community and proving it with our actions. There are great churches all over Cherokee County, yet over 70% of the county doesn’t attend church on Sunday mornings. We actually believe the last thing Cherokee County needs is another church, but we do believe it needs a place where you can come no matter your walk in life and realize that Jesus loves you, Jesus wants a personal relationship with you, and Jesus has a great plan for your life. At Action it doesn’t matter if you’ve been in church your whole life or you’ve never darkened the doors of the church (we actually prefer the latter), we would love to have you join us on a Sunday morning. We meet every Sunday at 271 Marietta Rd. at 10 a.m. For more information, check us out online at