“This is our city. We live here. We work here. We shop here. Our friends are here. We are raising our children here. We do life here. We truly believe God called us here. We started Action Church to make a difference in the lives of the people here. We are 100% For Canton!”
– Gary Lamb, Lead Pastor
Action Church recently took possession of the building next door to their current location. This will allow them to expand their facilities from 7,500 sq ft to 32,500 sq. ft. Needless to say, the potential is unbelievable and our vision is to create a facility that, in every way, shape, and form, screams…
” We. Are. For. Canton! “
This additional space will allow us to expand our temporary food pantry into a full-time pantry, allow us to create a clothing closet so no one in our community goes without clothing, allow us to provide a more stable environment in which we can operate our warming shelter, and allow us in the future to set up a place that is helping and training families to get back on their feet. The potential in this facility is mind blowing!
But to do this we need your help.
To create a place that is For Canton is going to take people who care about our great city and want to be a part of a movement that is doing whatever it takes to help those in need. We need you to take Action!
ForCanton.com was created to inform you and invite you to be a part of what is taking place in the heart of our city. It’s an exciting time to be #ForCanton and we would love for you to join us in this adventure.